Church of Joy was founded in 1997

by Pastor Luis R. Reyes and his wife,

Tricia Reyes.

Our ministry is now headquartered in Waukegan, IL. the city that Pastor Louie grew up in.  Pastor Louie's Pastor Louie ‘s journey began on the South Side of Waukegan and led him through training in the Armed Forces to loyal service as a Children’s Minister in a large Colorado congregation over 5 years. Not only has Pastor Louie’s life been framed by unique experiences, his life has also been characterized by unique sacrifice as he confronted many challenges that threatened his dream of reaching the lost with a multi-generational impact for the kingdom of God. With a relentless commitment to excellence, Pastor Louie has established a standard of ministry excellence that has established a pattern that other committed men and women have used to raise up children’s ministries in urban environments around the world.


For so many years, Church of Joy had a large emphasis on reaching children and teens.  Running buses and vans to local communities, Pastor Louie and the ministry of Church of Joy/Reach a Generation still to this day reaches thousands of children every single week with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Today, Church of Joy is a strong and vibrant church of unity, faith, sacrifice and total commitment to God.  With our new 55,000 sq.ft state of the art ministry facility, we enjoy new families walking through the doors every single week who are now calling Church of Joy their new church home.  We are also touching a brand new audience through streaming live and social media to now position our ministry of national exposure.  As a church, we have dedicated ourselves to whole-heartedly supporting God’s Will and Pastor Louie has positioned our church body to not only hear the commands and the voice of God, but to respond in obedience.


Bible - We believe that the Holy Bible, both Old and New Testaments is the inspired Word of God.  (II Timothy 3:15-17; I Peter 1:23-25; Hebrews 4:12)


Trinity - We believe in one God who exists in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit to provide spiritual power for daily living and Godly service. (John 1:1-5, 10-14; Matthew 28:18-20)


Jesus Christ - We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His substitutionary death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father and His personal return in power and glory. (Matthew 1:18-25; John 1:1-18; Romans 8:34; 1 Corinthians 15:1-28)


Holy Spirit - We believe that Holy Spirit makes believers new at salvation and subsequently fills believers to empower and graciously equip them for godly living and service and to be witnesses of the transforming work of Christ. (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4-5, 8; Acts 2:38; Acts 10:44-46, Acts11:14-16; I Corinthians 12:1-31)


Spiritual Gifts - We believe in the diversity of spiritual gifts and supernatural signs that follow those who believe. Some of which include: words of wisdom, words of knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, working of miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, various kinds of tongues and their interpretation. (Romans 12:6-8; I Corinthians 12:1-31)


Creation & Fall of Man - We believe in the creation and fall of mankind. We believe that man, through the sin of Adam and Eve is born separated from God and in need of salvation. (Genesis 1:26-31, Romans 5:12-21)


Salvation - We believe that salvation is available to all mankind, a gift of God’s grace that cannot be earned. Any person can receive salvation by repenting of their sins, and accepting Jesus Christ as Savior. (John 1:12-13; John 3:3, Romans 3:23- 24; Romans 10:8-13; Ephesians 2:8)


Water Baptism - We believe that water baptism by immersion is commanded in Scripture as an outward expression of an inward work. Water baptism is a declaration to the world that the believer has died and is raised with Christ to walk in newness of life. (Matthew 28:19; Romans 6:4; Acts 10:47-48)


Holy Communion - We believe that Holy Communion is a symbol of our union with Christ, a memorial of His suffering and death, and acceptance of Christ’s sacrifice for our benefit for healing, health, wholeness, and new life by his body and blood. (Luke 22:19-20; I Corinthians 11:24-25, 28)


Body of Christ - We believe that the Church is composed of true believers and that its members should assemble for worship, prayer, fellowship, service and teaching as we have been empowered to reach out, influence and impact the world with the gospel of Christ. (Ephesians, 1:22-23; Ephesians 2:19- 22, Hebrews 12:23)


Eternal Life - We believe in the personal, literal and bodily return of Jesus Christ in power and glory as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We believe in the bodily resurrection of the believers as the blessed hope of the Church; the millennial reign of Christ; and the new heaven and the new earth. (1Thessalonians 4:13-18; Zechariah 14:5; Matthew 24:27, 30; Revelations 1:7; Revelations

19:11-14; Revelations 20:1-6)


Eternal Judgment - We believe those who have not received salvation through Jesus Christ will suffer eternal separation from God, and will endure eternal punishment in the lake of fire. (Revelations 19:20, Revelations 20:10- 15)


Marriage and Sexuality- We believe the Bible recognizes marriage as exclusively the legal union of one man and one woman (Titus 1:6).  Therefore, we will not recognize, perform, or condone any marriage between individuals of the same gender or between more than one man or one woman. Accordingly, legitimate sexual relations are exercised solely within marriage; sex outside of this is not compatible with Christian behavior. (1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:26-27)







Church of Joy

2000 Western Ave.

Waukegan, IL 60087

(847) 731-2117














